Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[:this is not the world you deserve, but the one you let happen to you:]

     So I was watching Demolition Man the other day, and as I watched, I began to realize that besides being a horrible movie, the parallels to what was happening in my life (as well as the world around us) were very striking. In terms of the background; It's a 1984-esque society, complete with a Big Brother figure in Dr. Cocteau, who has created a society devoid of social evils including violent crimes on the one hand, but also including drinking, smoking, and foods high in cholesterol.  "Exchange of bodily fluids" is also prohibited to keep disease at bay. In its stead is virtual sex, and even day to day interactions devoid of any casual touch and replete with innocuous greetings such as "be well." The "oldies" radio station plays "mini-songs" of the 20th century, which in reality is food commercials. Lines from favorite jingles can be heard in the background of the scene in the fancy night club Taco Bell. A caller to the police department emergency line is instructed by an operator,"If you would prefer an automated response, press 1 now." It makes a lame attempt at pointing out the evils of political correctness by showing the consequences — namely, we’d all be stuck in a boring society that won’t let us masturbate and forces us to wear bathrobes all day. Except that we get to eat Taco Bell all day and have sex with helmets on.

     By outlawing everything that is bad, we lose ourselves and become sissified, mindless drones who obey without question. And in doing so, we lose your aggressiveness. And without aggression, there is no passion. Without passion there is no music or art. We become something less than what we really are because we have been beaten down, brought up, spoon-fed what to believe, and any that challenge the authority gets silenced. And it's happening today. 

     Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to never was there, and
where you are is no good unless you can get away from it. The world we live in is a lie. We're killing ourselves working 12 hour days, getting fat on cheap take-out food bemoaning how it used to be. Just because you've got a nice car and a big dvd collection doesn't mean you are a free man. You're just a well-paid slave like all the other cattle out there. And after you read this, you're going to go out and buy something else that you don't need to make yourself feel better about the life you lead.  You work your fingers to the bone for 50 years and at the end of your time, you get a crappy party and a shitty watch.

     So wake up. Look at the world around you, and the utter dumb that you see. I'll write about that later. But start looking. See what I am talking about. See the rampant and wanton idiocy that prevails in our society. Watch the news. Read how people sue McDonald's because they were never told that eating greasy fat food 3 times a day for 5 years makes you fat. See how parental responsibility goes out the window, when a lesbian couple gets asked to stop kissing because some woman doesn't want to explain it to her daughter. Ask yourself why there isn't a stricter law on texting while driving;  I don't remember seeing that as part of my road exam.

     See the truth of things.

     A friend once told me, "what would you do if you weren't afraid". And finally, I have an answer.  "Everything."    And so I take hold of what they took from me. Of what I let go 10 years ago. I take
back what's rightfully mine. I shall know no fear, and fight for what I believe. And I will strike down the dumb with such force, that their unborn children will quake with fear. I'll fire the first shot;

     I told some annoying preppie Greenpeace "volunteer" who bitched at me outside a Starbucks while she sipped her no-fat, half-caf, mint frozen mocha latte with a shot of espresso that I should help stop global warming that I actually thought the world was too cold, and that's why I drove an SUV, kept my A/C's on, and spent my free time shooting spray cans full of CFC's into the air. Chrome the moon, pave the forests, fuck Gaia, she want's to get off. Nuke a pregnant gay whale for Jesus.

     Fight back, and reclaim what's rightfully yours. Storm the reality studio and retake the Universe.

     For this revolution, will be televised.

end of line

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